Here are some bridges I have built to ideas that work. These will give you a competitive advantage as you live into the future you desire.

Human Intellect

OND's Intellect Scan technology taps into neuroscience, measuring 13 cognitive, motivational, and behavioral traits. Seeing intellectual diversity strengthens professional collaboration and personal relationships.

Time Investing

Warren Buffet showed me the power of investing. You can budget your time towards goal setting. Or you can invest time in seasonal increments to break through growth boundaries.

Nutritional Balancing

Dr Paul Eck discovered a link between nutrient minerals and physical health. And with this has given me a way to take care of my body.

Leadership is Influence

John Maxwell defined leadership, writing more books and equipping more leaders than everyone else combined. Your influence grows when you connect people to something bigger than themselves and bring out their individual talents.

Genius Thinking

Think and Grow Rich is the most recommended book. It captured the awareness that made Andrew Carnegie the richest man in the world, but it's 1937 style is difficult for modern readers. Here is a map to applying Napoleon Hill's words.

Business Building

The Startup Genome researched hundreds of new ventures to determine why 90% fail. They concluded failure is caused by inconsistent scaling. For large companies and new startups, innovative success comes from these five pillars of growth.