An idea is simply a form of human awareness.
Ideas themselves are like knowledge. No one owns them. They are free in this world, available to anyone who wants to benefit from them.
Seth Godin wrote The Ideavirus in 2000 to show us how ideas get shared. TED became famous for their viral talks and adopted the tagline "Ideas worth spreading".
About 8% of the population is cognitively attentive to patterns and thus are credited with having more ideas than others. I'm not one of those people, but I do pay attention to the creatives and their ideas closely.
I've spent my life exploring other people's ideas. Some ideas work better than others.
Ideas may be labeled as "new" because someone expresses an awareness about this world in a way no one else apparently has. However, most ideas are labeled as "old" because they have already been "discovered" by someone else. Austin Kleon has gone as far as saying there are no new ideas today.
It doesn't really matter to me who first came up with an idea or how many new ideas will be made aware this year. But I do believe we should share ideas.
That's what this site and my life are about. I cannot help myself but to seek out innovative ideas that have the potential to change our world. And when I find one that really can make a difference, I share it with you. Free. It's one way I express my gratitude to the many blessings in this world.