Focusing on the body’s energy production
Food is plentiful. Our bodies are accomplishing more than ever before. Waste is disposed in the bathroom.
And yet...
Almost everyone is bothered by nagging questions. Why can't I lose those extra pounds? What should I be eating? Why am I tired? What's keeping me from focusing? Why does my body hurt? What exercise do I need? Why am I so hungry?
Let's reset the conversation around nutritional wellness
Hair Mineral Analysis (HMA)
Hair contains nutrient minerals that are deposited as the hair grows. A sample of hair cut close to the scalp provides information about the nutrient mineral activity that took place over the past three months.
Researchers have been using HMA’s since the 1920’s to learn more about the human body.
Dr Paul Eck
Dr. Paul Eck [1925-1996] used the HMA during the 1970's and 1980's to understand nutritional wellness. He combined an array of modern biological concepts that included oxidation types by Dr. George Watson, the stages of stress discovered by Dr. Hans Selye, sympathetic and parasympathetic balancing by Dr. Melvin Page, and mineral balancing by Dr. William Albrecht.
Eck’s nutrient mineral work continued after his death by a second generation of researchers. His legacy includes the Analytical Research Laboratory, which performs the HMA, and Endo-Met, which produces supplements specifically designed to balance nutrient minerals in the body.
Nutritional Balancing for Restored Wellness
Practitioners benefit from 50+ years of research correlating HMA results to physical conditions in the body. This research continues to advance understanding the complex ways nutrient minerals interrelate. A change in one mineral level in the body creates changes in other mineral levels. When seen wholistically, patterns emerge. Nutrient minerals are nature’s basic programming, so these patterns reveal a lot about the body's state.
Your HMA results are matched against decades of research to customize a supplement program. The supplements and lifestyle recommendations support your body in removing toxic metals and restoring sustainable energy production. The more closely you follow each lifestyle component, the faster your body will heal itself, and thus regain nutrient mineral balance.
Nutrient Minerals
The human body's power production uses nutrient minerals. Historically, humans get nutrient minerals from the plants we eat. And the plants get the nutrient minerals from the soil.
Today, that natural cycle is broken. Our soil is depleted, and plants no longer contain enough nutrient minerals to support human needs.
Toxic Metals
Your body has adapted to use toxic metals to replace missing nutrient minerals. That’s right, because the body is missing nutrient minerals from food, it absorbs the readily-available toxic metals.
The body was not designed to process so much toxicity. It deals with these toxic metals the best way it can, storing them deep in the body tissue. Toxic metals have become a major cause of disease and aging.
Salt and Sodium are NOT the Same
Understanding the difference is essential to reading ingredient labels
Oxidation is the rate at which your body burns fuel. Picture a backyard firepit. Some wood burns slow. It doesn't produce a lot of flames, but it lasts a long time. Other wood burns fast. It almost instantly gives you flames and heat, but you need to keep adding more wood to keep the fire going.
Converting Food to Fuel
The thyroid and adrenal glands produce hormones that tell the body how much energy to produce.
The body needs a healthy thyroid to ignite the fuel and healthy adrenals to process it into usable energy. Additionally, rest is required for the body to maintain the energy production system.
Dr. Eck discovered the HMA can be used to measure oxidation. In essence, is your body currently burning the "slow" or the "fast"?
When your body needs more energy than it naturally produces, it turns to quick-fix stimulants for a boost (like throwing gas on the fire to make it bigger). Stimulants such as anger, coffee, and even exercise force the body to produce more energy by pushing the thyroid & adrenals. However, this stimulation drains the body of its vitality. It leads to fatigue and adrenal burnout.
Out of Balance
Your body is designed to adjust oxidation based on your current situation & needs. However, today's modern lifestyle is making it nearly impossible to live within a healthy nutrient range.
Dr. Eck realized that your oxidation rate, which measures energy production, will either be too slow or too fast based on your stress levels. If you want to live a healthy life, then you need to reduce stress and make lifestyle adjustments. With periodic HMA testing, Dr. Eck could help people make adjustments.
Oxidizing Too Slow
Metabolizing ➜ slow in converting food to energy
Experiencing Physically ➜ sluggish
Experiencing Emotionally ➜ depression
Dietary Considerations ➜ eat more whole grains and starchy vegetables. Also eat low-fat proteins such as chicken, fish, or vegetarian proteins. Limit daily fat intake.
Oxidizing Too Fast
Metabolizing ➜ fast in converting food to energy
Experiencing Physically ➜ constantly in motion
Experiencing Emotionally ➜ aggression
Dietary Considerations ➜ eat more fats and oils. Also eat fatty proteins such as red meats, dairy products (butter, cream, full-fat cheese, yogurt), and olive oil. Limit starches and sugars.
Stress is the Culprit
Today, we know enough about the science to understand what a healthy body looks like and why. But we are in denial about the root cause of disease. Iodine, fluoride, radiation, and pesticides are modern interjections into our way of life, and they are probably hurting us.
However, the top answer that affects EVERYONE is stress.
Your body is designed to shift out of its normal routine as stress rises. Your five senses go on hyperalert. Your energy production shifts. Your muscles constrict.
We are asking too much from our bodies. It's like driving a car too will eventually damage the engine. Just because our bodies can keep up doesn't mean we should push them that hard.
This stress capacity was meant to be used sparingly, but we are using it daily. When your tire blows on the side of the road, you are grateful you have a spare in the trunk so that you can at least get to the nearest tire store. But you don't drive on that spare for an extended period. It wasn't designed for that.
Nervous System
Let’s finish this tour through the body’s energy production by looking at the nervous system. It has two states: sympathetic and parasympathetic. You need both and fluctuate between them every day.
When your body is on high alert, it shifts into the sympathetic state. When it is activated, you tend to worry more and push your body harder. Some use of this fight-or-flight system is needed, but too much tears down the body. The adrenaline rush may feel good initially but is always followed by fatigue. Why? Because this burns more energy. The body triggers the adrenals and thyroid to produce more energy to sustain the sympathetic state.
The parasympathetic state rebuilds the body. Parasympathetic nerves stimulate the digestion and immune systems, using the liver, pancreas, stomach, and intestines. It is activated by rest, relaxation, and happy thoughts. Your body will shift into a parasympathetic state to heal physically and emotionally. You may feel lethargic or fatigued because the body is trying to relax. You need to honor the body so that it can repair itself.
The body’s nervous system and energy production are closely linked. This is where Eastern philosophies such as zen, yoga, and meditation apply. Our bodies need to heal, and they are designed to shift into a parasympathetic state to do so. The American culture increasingly has resisted this need to rest. Sometimes we do this because there are real threats kicking us into a sympathetic state, but most of the time we simply push ourselves too hard. We push our bodies with unnecessary stimulation, and then we burn out.
This is why your body cannot heal itself with only nutritional changes. Your body must also be supported with lifestyle changes that require less energy production and allow the parasympathetic state to serve its purpose.
You Only Live Once
AND...consider the trade-offs involved in taking on more stress than the body is designed to handle on a regular basis.
Shorter Life
Pushing your body will shorten your life...if only by a few years. For some, a shorter life is an acceptable trade-off for living a faster life. Of course everyone dies, so we must accept this fate eventually.
Lower Quality of Life
Stress breaks down your body. The medical industry is amazing at what it can do to feed you drugs, radiate cancer, and replace organs. For some, this is an acceptable trade-off.
Stress shows up in many ways, and has become so common that we have lost perspective on what is normal.
Too Much
The most common stress is "too much". It happens to everyone and often sneaks up on us. And we are bringing some of it upon ourselves.
We pick way too many fights, especially at home. The irony is that home is meant to be the place where we feel safe and go for rest.
An undesirable event can create hyperactive anxiety. Unhealed wounds get triggered and your body goes into a stress response.
Hair testing and the nutritional science behind it means you don't have to sit back and wait for disease. You can be proactive.
We are grateful for Dr. Eck and what he put into motion. Today, nutrient mineral science is changing the way we look at physical health. Our bodies will heal themselves if we let them.
Starting Point
Your first hair test becomes a baseline against which you can measure your future progress
Baby Steps
Take action where you can in the first few months, perhaps with food, lifestyle, or detox
Fine Tune
Retesting every 3-6 months tracks changes in your body and helps diagnose health challenges
Your body will balance into a place where you feel good, and then your mindset shifts to stewardship