Free Agent Nation
Free agents are individuals who have taken ownership of their professional lives. After fifteen years as a free agent, I knew my lid was the ability to focus my growth. This led me to explore the difference between spending time and investing time. Frustration grew as I could not find a growth model that harmonized with my lifestyle. Then I built TimeIN.
A Season
AH HA# 1: Pause every 90 days to set a single investment priority for the season ahead. This fights against procrastination. Being intentional for 90 days is something any growth-focused person can do.
A Headline
AH HA# 2: Move beyond trying to get more done, and give yourself the freedom to focus. Ironically, we live in a culture of headlines and fail to dig further into the content of the story. TimeIN changes that for our lives.
Time INvesting
AH HA# 3: Investors understand the power of compounding. Align your investments into a portfolio. By reinvesting your growth, you develop mastery and break through boundaries.
Develop an investment mindset and break free from time poverty. Invest in yourself, your family, your business, your ideas, and / or a community cause. The personal fulfillment is priceless.