Broken Hearts & Spiritual Warriors

June 18, 2020

I suspect everyone has a broken heart story.Ā  This year, it has beenĀ the most excruciating painĀ I...

Jun 18, 2020

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Communicating Online

April 23, 2020

Coronavirus has introduced social distancing, sheltering in place, and remote working into our cu...

Apr 23, 2020

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Do you ruminate or marinate?

March 30, 2020

When you hear "ruminating", what does that feel like to you?Ā  What about "marinating"? I feel li...

Mar 30, 2020

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The Vibration of Words

March 30, 2020

The meaning of our words can be highly contextualized.Ā Ā  For instance, consider "pole".Ā  Are we ...

Mar 30, 2020

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You Cannot have Fear without Hope

March 28, 2020

Iā€™m reminded this month that the world is built on polarity.Ā  There are two ends of every spectru...

Mar 28, 2020

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Congregating Online

March 28, 2020

I am intrigued by Toastmasters clubs/members who are navigating coronavirus 2020.Ā  Here is what I...

Mar 28, 2020

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Operation Florida Remote

March 25, 2020

History will forever remember 2020. Is this year simply a sentence in the history books? Or an en...

Mar 25, 2020

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